Shared by Kelley Chapman, Volunteer Manager
We are crazy delighted to recognize Tom & Nancy Osterhaus as our Volunteers of the 2nd Quarter for 2021. Tom and Nancy started volunteering for Meals on Wheels in 2017. Tom and Nancy drive two different routes each week, Mondays and Thursdays. Additionally, they substitute drive when needed, even one time on their wedding anniversary! Out of all the organizations they could have chosen, Tom and Nancy said, “We picked Meals on Wheels because of its mission, its facility, and the fact that they offered us a ride-along experience.”
Tom & Nancy go above and beyond for their recipients, and they’ve developed an especially close relationship with Ms. Jean, who is featured on the front page of this newsletter. They spend a lot of time sharing stories, swapping reading material, going for walks, and sometimes even heading out for lunch or an outing.
Tom shared, “The recipient relationships are really appreciated and enjoyed.” And they made us blush, too, when they shared that “the program staff are committed, enthusiastic, mature, kind, and FUN!” Tom and Nancy sure do spoil us. They bring the “sunshine” each time they make an appearance. Thank you, Tom and Nancy, for all that you do and for laughing with us at least twice a week!