Our Supporters

East Cooper Meals on Wheels is a community-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has been recognized nationally for our innovation, integrity, and entrepreneurship when it comes to addressing the nutritional needs of our homebound neighbors. We rely on community partners, grants and individual donations. Community partners are businesses, civic groups, churches, community organizations, schools and others that want to ensure no neighbor goes without a meal.

We are grateful to following Individuals and Families who contributed between $2,500 to $9,999 and $10,000 and above in 2021:

Ms. Elizabeth BattleBailey Family Charitable FundMr. &v Mrs. Lester L Allred
Mr. and Mrs. William DanielMr. Tony BakkerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Armfield
Mr. and Mrs. John GoldtrapMr. and Mrs. David BrollierMs. Carole Arnoldi
Mr. Bill Horton and Mary MajorMr. and Mrs. John DarbyMr. & Mrs. Ralph Arrington
Mr. and Mrs. Bill MadduxMr. and Mrs. George J. DurneyMr. and Mrs. Louis Attanasi
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney MottMr. & Mrs. Michael EvansMs. Laurie K. Breisch
Dr. Travis and Allison NashMs. Diane GoffMr. Joel Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher SandsMs. Creigh JenningsMr. & Mrs. Jane & Tobias Burke
AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Ruffie JonesMs. Susan Butler
Mr. and Mrs. George SissonMr. and Mrs. Chad PlottMr. David Chase
Mr. and Mrs. David StoneMr. and Mrs. Matthew PruittMrs. Sebastian Gaeta
Mr. and Mrs. Richard SlackMr. and Mrs. William Grech
Billy & Peggy SwailsMr. and Mrs. William Huey
Mr.and Mrs. William B. TausigMrs. Corinne & Mr. William Khouri
Ms. Joan S. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Perry J. LeRoy
Ms. Angela Lynch
Dr. & Mrs.John Maize
Mr. David Martin
Ms. Marianna McLean
Mrs. Elizabeth McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. William Quick
Mrs. Andrea Ryan
Ms. Sarah Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Spires

We are grateful to following Individuals and Families who contributed between $1,000 and $2,499 in 2021:

Mr. and Mrs. John AlbrechtMs. Julie McSwain
Mr. and Mrs. Brady AndersonDr. & Mrs. Michael Mikola
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald BanksMs. Ann Mixson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth BarlowMr. & Mrs. Michael Moecker
Mr. and Mrs. Bob BohnMr. Anthony Moody
Mr. Scott BrawleyMr. and Mrs. Robert Moore
Mr. Dutch BuckheisterMs. Susan Morrison
Ms. Ginny BuffkinMrs. Amy Moyer
Mr. Edward ButlerMs. Mary Stewart Murphy
Mr. Charles Roy CadieuMs. Janet Myder
Ms. Gretchen CallMr. and Mrs. Kevin Myers
Dr. Brian & Mrs. ConnerMr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Odierna
Mrs. Sybil CurroMr. Harry Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. John DenningMr. and Mrs. Thomas G Ondrof
Ms. Betty Jane DillonMr. James Plair Jr.
Mr. Malcolm DonaldsonMr. and Mrs. Douglas Pounder
Ms. Ann DonaldsonMr. J. Reyna
Mr. & Mrs. Michael ElsnerMr. and Mrs. Roland Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Dick ErnstMs. Catherine Riley
Mr. Charles GeorgeMs. Karen Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Neal GetsingerMr. George Roberts
Mr. Vernon GlennMr. and Mrs. Richard Roth
Mr. Michael & Mrs. Lou Ann GlogorskiMr. and Mrs. Alex J. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Richard HayesMs. Nora Savarino
Ms. Kathryn HendrixMr. and Mrs. Scott Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. Preston HowardDel Schutte
Mr. and Mrs. Al JenkinsMrs. Anne Smolinski
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jervey IIIMr. and Mrs. James Snyder
Ms. Jane S. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Edward Soltis
Mr. Michael KeelsMr. Furman Stanley Jr. & Mrs. Mirella Abbo
Mrs. Mildred D. KitchellJames Thiesing
Ms. Andrea KnuppMr. and Mrs. George Thomas
Ms. Diane LauritsenMr. & Mrs. Gary Thornhill
Ms. Sheree Chin LedwellMr. and Mrs. John Tiller
Ms. Luanne LightnerMr. and Mrs. Chris Van Metre
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel LimataMr. Frederick Vandongen
Mr. James LoftusMs. Katherine M. Vonesh
Drs. John and Siobhan Maize Jr.Mr. Philip E. Weakland
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Masters Jr.Ms. Laurie Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Terry MaurerMr. and Mrs. Scott Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MaurielloDr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilson
Mr. Patrick McKenzieMs. Daynna Wolff
Ms. Elisabeth McLeanMr. and Mrs. Richard C. Young Jr.

We are grateful to following Individuals and Families who contributed between $500 and $999 in 2021:

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W AbagnaleOmar EstrellaMr. and Mrs. Francis Mussatti
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin AmburnMs. Trudie FicksMr. Ray Mustafa
Ms. Lynda Angelakos & Ms. Sonya SelanderMr. & Mrs. James FolkMr. Christopher Nielsen
Ms. Christina ArnoldiMs. Louis Avery Gaeta BakerMrs. June Peterson
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. AshmoreMr. Daniel GallagherMs. Rebecca Phelps
Mrs. Jacki BaerMr. David GarrMr. Mrs. Donald Pittman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert BeckerMrs. Kitty GordyMr. and Mrs. Michael Psenka
Mr. and Mrs. Terry BegleyMs. Mary Ann GruberMs. Karen H. Rankine
Mr. and Mrs. David BehrensMr. and Mrs. Rick HallMrs. Robin Riggs
Ms. Pam BishopMrs. Pamela HamiltonMrs. Patricia Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Ron BishopMr. and Mrs. O.D. Hamlin Jr.Ms. Pamela Rodgers
Ifigenia A. BoulogianeMr. Scott HammackMs. Maureen Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Terence BowersMr. and Mrs. Robert W Handlos Jr.Ms. Ellen Rubenstein
Mr. Jim Bowring and Ms. Sharla GouldMr. adn Mrs. Paul R Harper Jr.Mrs. Delores Schweitzer
Mr. and Mrs. James BrewiMs. Gloria HeddenMr. James Seney
Ms. Carolina BryanMr. Richard HillMs. Kristi Shull
Capt. Frank BryantMr. David HuntonMr. and Mrs. Peter Sibley
Dr. and Mrs. G. Stephen BuckMr. and Mrs. George InabinetMs. Mildred Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Frank BuresCaptain and Mrs. James InghamDr. Carol L. Simmons
Ms. Diane B. CarrMr. J. Franklin Jackson Jr.William Smith
John & Mary Ellen ChiappardiMr. and Mrs. Scott JacobsMr. David Smith
Mr. Frank CisaMr. Thomas JakupsMr. Buddy Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne CoatesMr. and Mrs. William JohnsonMr. James F. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. David ComptonMs. JohnstonKathryn Stanley
Mrs. Drucilla CopelandMr. Greg JonesMs. Kimberley Starr
Mrs. Gail CostaMs. Myra JonesMr. & Mrs. Benjamin Street
Mr. and Mrs. Frank CoteMs. Marilyn JordanPat Sullivan
Dr. Hilary CrewMr. and Mrs. Kennett KendallMr. & Mrs. Jerry D Swisshelm
Mrs. Linda G CrosbyMr. David KentMr. and Mrs. John Tinnell
Mr. Hal S. Currey and Ms. Peggy SchachteMrs. Lori Kilner-KhouriKathleen Tresnak and William Reehl
Ms. Linda DaehnFreddie and Angela KingsmoreMr. J. Vollmer
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn DantzlerMr. Kevin KreamerMr. and Mrs. John A Watson
Dr. Charles P DarbyMr. and Mrs. Thomas LawMs. Mary Way
Ms. Jeanne Des SmithMrs. Frances LevinMr. Julius Skippy Weil
Mr. Vincent DiGangiMr. and Mrs. David LyleMs. Eileen Weklar
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W DubisMr. & Mrs. William MaguireCapt. and Mrs. James Welsch
Mr. and Mrs. Steve DudashMs. Gail MarkerAbbe Weston
Mr. Steven DyeMs. Lydia Blanton MatthewsMr. Drew Weston
Mrs. Ann EdwardsMr. and Mrs. Brent McCurdyMr. and Mrs. James White
Mr. Norman EinsteinMr. & Mrs. Jay & Kirsten McDonaldGail Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert ElliottMs. Amber McElhaneyMr. & Mrs. Charles Young
Mr. Brent ElliottMrs. Alexandra MearsDr. and Mrs. Joseph Zealberg
Mr. Daniel EllisMr. Todd MilliganMrs. Nancy C Zettler
Ms. Mary J. ErlerMr. Michael Morrison
Ms. Linda EsteeMr. & Mrs. James Moses

We are grateful to following Individuals and Families who contributed between $100 and $499 in 2021:

Dr. Robert AdamsFrances and Harry GoldenMs. Lynn Northcutt
Mr. & Mrs. H. Randolph AderholdDr. Juliet Goldman M.D.Ms. Mimi O’Brien
Ms. Maureen AdkinsMr. and Mrs. Richard GommelLaura Ogden
Debra AlesMr. James GoodwinMs. Lyric P. Ogden
Ms. Patricia C. AlexanderMs. Penelope E. GorbyMs. Sue Okawa
Mr and Mrs. Ed AllenMr. and Mrs. William GordonDr. Patrick O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. John AltergottMs. Constance GormanMrs. Karen Orcutt
Mrs. Dorothy H. AmmonsMr. and Mrs. Bill GrateMs. Jean L. Osborne
Mr. Paul AngeramiMr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Gregorie, IIIMs. Millie Oshaughnessy
Ms. Robin ArnoffMr. and Mrs. John GuancioneMs. Dolores J. Osuna
Mrs. Rita BalkhamMrs. Alison GuerriereMs. R. Lenora Owens
Miss AnnaGrace & Abigail HiltonMr. and Mrs. Brandon GuestMr. and Mrs. Gary Paddock
Ms. Julie BauerMr. and Mrs. John HackenbergMrs. John Page
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony BeallMs. Nancy HadleyMr. and Mrs. Joseph Palisi
Mr. Kevin BeanJulie HaebigNazario Paragano
Mr. Mark BeasenburgMr. Glenn A. HairMr. and Mrs. Randy Parker
Mr. Jon BeaujonMrs. Harriet F. HamlinMr. Howard Parsons
Mr. Randall BeckettMr. and Mrs. J. Keitt HaneMr. Haynes Payne
Mrs. Charlene BellMr. and Mrs. William HannMr. and Mrs. Kevin Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen BermanMr. and Mrs. Martin HansenMs. Linda Perkis
Mr. and Mrs. Gary BernsonMr. and Mrs. Paul HansonMr. & Mrs. Ronald Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles BernsteinMs. Sandy HarjesMr. Les Phillips
Ms. Lynda BielMr. David Harper and Ms. Martha CummingsMs. Elizabeth Philp
Mr. Alan BischoffMr. and Mrs. Frank HarperMrs. Carol Pierce
Mr. Andrew BlairCarey HarrisRev. and Mrs. Arthur Pinckney
Ms. Katharine BloderMr. Larry E. HartMr. Andrew Z. Pine
Ms. Jocelyn G. Bolling – Attorney at LawMrs. Faith HartleyMs. Donna Platt
Ms. Joan BoltonMr. and Mrs. Emory HaseldenMs. Bernice Polk
Ms. Beth BondsMr. and Mrs. Bryan HassellMr. Mark Ponder
Ms. Carol BourqueMr. and Mrs. John HawkMrs. Katie Powers
Mr. Alan G. Bowen, Jr.Mr. James HawkMr. and Mrs. Steven Prelack
Ms. Dorothy A. BowersMr. and Mrs. Ronald HayneMs. Michelle Price
Cathy BoyadjisMs. Posey HaynieMr. Melvin Price
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BoydMr. and Mrs. John HeidenreichMr. and Mrs. Dilip Purohit
Mr. Michael Patrick BozzelliMr. and Mrs. Paul HeinauerMr. and Mrs. Bruce Queen
Ms. Gloria Bradshaw-WhittemoreMr. & Mrs. Kathy HeislerG. Richard and Susanne L. Query Foundation
Jennifer BraggRachael HeislerMs. Sandra K. Ralston
Ms. Marian BramanteMr. David HemingMr. and Mrs. Julian Raney
Dr. Robert G. Brame, Jr.Ms. Susan L. HenderliteMs. Marjorie Rath
Ms. Tracy BrokesMs. Shirley HendrixMr. Arthur Ravenel Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel BrondsemaMr. John HermansMr. and Mrs. William Raver
Mr. Jeffery BronnenbergMs. Donna HerrmannMrs. Ursula Rawls
Mr. Eldon BrownMr. Robert HerveyMr. & Mrs. John Read
Ms. Patricia BrownMrs. Elizabeth HillsMs. Cindy Reed
Mr. Robert E BrownMr. William HineMs. Elizabeth D. Reidenbach
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald BruceBlair HinesMr. and Mrs. Robert Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. John H. BruensMs. Sandra HojnackiMr. and Mrs. William Richardson
Henry BuckheisterCapt. and Mrs. Charles HolcombMs. Betty Riggs
Mr. John Bullard & Ms. Barbara JerveyMs. Stella HolmbergMs. Harriet Ripinsky
Mr. and Mrs. George Bullwinkel Jr.Mr. and Mrs. George HolzworthMr. & Mrs. Mike Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Will BulsiewiczMrs. Merry HoneycombeDr. and Mrs. John Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. BurdickMr. and Mrs. Jonathan HoodMs. Patricia Roberts
Mr. Dale Dwight BurkeMr. Kenneth HookMs. Elizabeth B. Robertson
Danielle BurkettMs. Dorothy HopeMs. Anne K. Robichaux
Mr. and Mrs. Lon BurlesonCol.- Ret. and Mrs. Merwin HornerMr. Neil Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond BurnsMrs. Sarah C. HornerMr. Michael Roche
Mr. and Mrs. Brett BurtonMr. Asbury HudsonMr. and Mrs. John S. Rodenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ButkaMr. Yale M. HuettMr. Ralph Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Tony ByersMs. Doris HughesMs. Mindy Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Edward ByrdMs. Rosa HughesMs. Betsy Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Karl ByrneMs. Georgia H. HughesMr. Steve Rowe and Ms. Sarah Barnhart
Dr. Joseph J. CalandraMr. and Mrs. Michael HughesMr. and Mrs. James Rumrill
Mr. and Mrs. John CallaghanMrs. Georgia HughesMr. and Mrs. Robert Rusak
Ms. Lynn CallisonMr. and Mrs. Bill HumphreyMr. Blane Ruschak and Mr. Baron McCaskill
Ms. Effie CameronMrs. Margaret HumphreysMr. Dowse Rustin
Mr. and Mrs. Karl CameronMr. and Mrs. David HuntleyDr. Rochelle Rutledge
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce CampbellMrs. Thomas IrwinMr. and Mrs. Bruce Rutsch
Mr. and Mrs. Chip CampsenMr. and Mrs. R. Kevin IsaacMr. and Mrs. Edward Ryan
Mr. John F. CamyJune IsemanMrs. Patricia Sanders
Mrs. Wallis CannonMr. Richard C. JablonskiMr. and Mrs. Art Sanford
Ms. Dolores CannonMs. Susan JacksonMr. and Mrs. James Sanyi
Mrs. Paulette CanteyMs. Susan JacobyMr. and Mrs. Herb Sass
Mr. and Mrs. John CarlisleMr. and Mrs. Michael JanaskieMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schaub
Mr. Stanley J. CarlyleMs. Cloice JansonMr. Richard Schmidt
Mrs. Lynn CarmodyMr. and Mrs. Stewart JohnsonMr. Robert Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter CarnesMr. and Mrs. Stephen JohnstonMr. and Mrs. Gordon Schreck
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald CarpenterMr. Rufus H. JonesWilliam & Diane Schroder
Mr. and Mrs. Elton CarrierMr. and Mrs. Kenneth JonesMr. and Mrs. Bill Schwartz
Ms. Mary CarsonMr. and Mrs. Martin JonesMs. Ruby H. Schweers
Mr. Kevin CarterMs. Jacqueline JoyeMs. Debra C. Schweitzer
Dr. and Mrs. James CarterMr. and Mrs. Robert JuzupsMr. and Mrs. William Schwinn
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher CartinMr. Edward KabineMr. and Mrs. Roy Seay
Mr. Ralph CaruanaMr. & Mrs. Joe KahrsMr. and Mrs. Larry Seese
Mr. Philip CathcartMr. and Mrs. Paul KaneLynda Selby
Dr. William CaudleMs. Barb KaufmanMr. and Mrs. Tom Sexton, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth A. CavanaughMr. and Mrs. David KayMr. and Mrs. Michel Shahid
Mr. William W. CharlesworthGeorge & Niki KazameasMr. and Mrs. Thomas Shannon
Ms. Mary Anne ChristenberryDr. and Mrs. Kevin KeenanMs. Millie Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Donald CiucciMr. and Mrs. Raymond KellerChristopher and Maggie Shoobridge
Dr. Michelle ClareMs. Lisa KellerEdward Siegel
Mrs. Sandra G. ClarkBill KelvieMr. and Mrs. William Sigmon Jr.
Mrs. Anne ClineMr. Patrick KennedyMs. Sarah Simmonite
Michelle ClowMr. and Mrs. James KennedyMSGT(RET USAF) Paul H. Simmons
Mr. Darryl CobbMs. Terry KennedyMr. Sedgwick L. Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy CobbMr. and Mrs. Kevin KerleyMr. and Mrs. Richard Simpson
Mrs. Virginia CochranMs. Linda G. KetnerTawnya Skokos
Mr. Anthony CocolasB.C. KilloughIrvin Smalls
Mr. and Mrs. Richard CoenMs. Barbara KimbrellMr. and Mrs. Michael Smalyga
Ms. Barbara S. CohnMr. and Mrs. Timothy KimbrellMr. and Mrs. Woodie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Henry ColemanMargaret KirchnerMr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith
Shannon ConleyFred and Connie KlareMs. Pam Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William ConwayMr. Michael KlatzoMr. and Mrs. Mitch Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Peter CottonMr. and Mrs. Herbert KleinMr. and Mrs. Donald Smith
Rich & Sheila CrabtreeMr. & Mrs. Larry KlimasMs. Joan D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John CraneMs. Jacqueline KlingenbergMrs. Pamela Smith
Mr. Gregory CrawfordMs. Miroslava KmentaMs. Ann Smith
Dr. and Mrs. William CreasmanMs. Amy E. KnightMrs. Dianne Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James E. CronaMr. Frederick KochMrs. Sharon B. Smith
Mr. Thomas B. CrudenMr. and Mrs. Herbert KogerMr. and Mrs. Mark Smith
Mr. Thomas Cullen IVMr. Kevin KoozerMr. Jule G Smith
Mr. Charles CumbaaMr. and Mrs. Robert KraussMs. Linda M. Smith-Perry
Guignon CummingMr. and Mrs. Cary KriegerMr. and Mrs. George W. Smyth
Ms. Mary CurryMr. and Mrs. Michael KuhnMr. and Mrs. J. Fred Snyder
Mr. Ram DachepalliMs. Norma KulsethLance and Tara Snyder
Ms. Leola DalyMrs. Denise KushMs. Teresa Softy
Mr. and Mrs. Bob DandridgeDr. Scott & Dr. Piave LakeMr. and Mrs. Thomas Somers
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth DanielsMr. Chan F. LamMr. Peter Sommers & Ms. Kristen Ohaver
Mr. Howard DarbyMr. Dave LandeoMs. Pamela Sourbeer
Ms. Diane DavidsonMr. Michael LandrumMr. and Mrs. Stephen Speer
Mr. and Mrs. Ben DavidsonMs. Gayle LauderdaleMichael Spires
Mr. Brian DaviesMr. and Mrs. Joseph LawsonMs. Carol Spitznas
Ms. Alison DavisThe LeagueMr. Charles Spoon
Ms. Patricia DavisMs. Karla LeahyMs. Cynthia Steffen
Ms. Lynda F. DavisMs. Catherine LebeauxMs. Kathy Steinmeyer
Mrs. Margie DeCarliMr. and Mrs. George W. LeberMr. Joseph Stephens
Mr. Henry J. Delay IVMs. Constance LeeMs. Faye B. Steuer
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DemarcoMr. and Mrs. Richard LeeMs. Susan Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Edward DemoreMr. and Mrs. Harry LeffingwellMs. Jennifer Stewart
Dr. and Mrs. Geret DePiperMs. Lisa LehmanMs. Donna Smith
Mr. Harry L. DeShaiesKathryn & Harry LemonMs. Thomasena Stokes-Marshall
Ms. Mary Ayn DeVriesMr. and Mrs. William LesesneMr. and Mrs. Kirk Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Doug DeWolffMr. and Mrs. James LevinMr. and Mrs. Matthew Story
Mr. and Mrs. Walter DillingerMs. Karen LewisMr. & Mrs. Jack Story
Mrs. Kathryn DiminichMs. Anne LindseyMs. Deborah L. Stossel & Ms. Kelly R. Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DingleMr. and Mrs. Richard LinkMs. Linda Stout
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. DiPiroMr. and Mrs. Edward LipmanMr. & Mrs. Daniel Struckman
Mr. and Mrs. John DitmoreMr. and Mrs. Stephen LitvinMr. and Mrs. Barry Sturmer
Mr. Anthony DixonMs. Betty LizarraldeMr. and Mrs. David Sullivan
Mr. Larry DoddsMr. Claude LoadholtMs. Melinda Summer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. DoddsMr. and Mrs. Michael LoftusMs. Lisa Summerlin
Dr. Marion T. DoigMr. and Mrs. Joseph LombardiMr. and Mrs. James Summersett
Ms. Saron DonaldsonMr. and Mrs. Klaus LondotMr. & Mrs. John Swanson
Mr. John DonnellyMs. Cynthia LowenthalMr. and Mrs. Dean Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. John DonofrioMs. Susan LowtherDr. and Mrs. Steven Swift
Ms. Carole DooleyMrs. Edith LucasMs. Wendi Szymanski
Ms. Joan DotyMs. Theodesa LylesDr. and Mrs. Steve Takacs
Ms. Barbara L. DoughertyMr. George MaasMrs. Sue Tanis
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn DuncanMr. Doug MacCallumMs. Anita Tankersley
Dr. and Mrs. Ted DunnMr. Michael MacyMr. and Mrs. John Tankersley
Julie DunnMs. Barbara MandevilleMs. Joyce Tapper
Mr. & Mrs. Milton DunnMr. and Mrs. Eric MankeMr. Clayton Taylor
Mr. John DurandMr. and Mrs. Peter MarchewkaMr. and Mrs. Donny Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald EadesJennifer MarcumDr. and Mrs. James Thesing
Mr. & Mrs. Tim EbleMr. Robert MarquardMr. and Mrs. Willard Thigpen
Mr. and Mrs. James EcclestonDr. David MarshallMs. Jean Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph EdwardsMrs. Ann MartinMr. James C. Thomas
Ms. Sharon M. EldredgeMr. James MasugaMr. George C. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ElliottMr. Gerald MatthewsDr. Joseph Thompson
Mr. Ron EllisKenny MatthewsDr. Laura R. Thompson, PhD
Ms. Jerodene EllisMr. & Mrs. Matthews, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tinkey
Ms. Heather EllisMrs. Judy MayoMr. Ken Titus
Mr. and Mrs. Bill EmeryMr. and Mrs. John McAnawMr. Jeff Toler
Ms. Jean EngleMr. and Mrs. Michael McCarthyMrs. Rosemary Tountas
Mr. Paul EstesMr. and Mrs. Michael J. McCordMr. and Mrs. Charles Treadwell
Ms. Jocelyn EvansMr. and Mrs. John McCormickMr. & Mrs. Dale Trimpe
Mr. George EvansMr. and Mrs. Donald L. McCune Jr.Dr. and Mrs. John Turchi
Ms. Patti EvansMs. Kathi McDermottMs. Nancy Turner
Ms. Henrietta EvattMrs. Carol McDonnellMr. William Twomey
Mr. and Mrs. Colin EwingMs. Beverly McElroyMr. and Mrs. Michael Ulmer
Ms. Gwendolyn EwingMr. & Mrs. Chris McGradyMr. and Mrs. Neil D. Ulrich
Ms. Stephanie P. FabrizioMr. Eric McGuireCapt. and Mrs. Donald Waldeck
Ms. Monica FahrerMs. Sarah McKayMr. Derek Walden
Mr. Frederick FeilMr. and Mrs. James McKennaMr. Jonathan Waldrop
Mr. Thomas FessendenMr. and Mrs. William McLeanMr. Jerry Waldrop
Mr. and Mrs. John FeussnerMr. Norman McNair & Rev. Judith EwingMs. Susan Walker
Mr. Daniel F. FifisMr. and Mrs. Thomas McNallyMr. and Mrs. Robert Waller
Mr. and Mrs. Evan FirestoneMr. Cal McRaeDr. and Mrs. K.A. Warburton
Ms. Frances FischerMr. and Mrs. Tom MefferdMs. Elizabeth Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Earl FischlMr. and Mrs. Henry MellichampMs. Christine Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Henry FishburneMr. Robert J. MercorelliMr. & Mrs. William Watson
Ms. Charlotte FittsMs. Anna H. MerzMr. and Mrs. J. Davis Weed
Susan FlowerMr. and Mrs. Henry MillerMs. Nancy Wessell
Ms. Jane H. FluetMr. George MillerMs. Victoria West
Ms. Eileen FoilesMr. Rodly MilletMs. Frances White
Ms. Jane FordMs. Lynn MilliganMr. and Mrs. Herbert White
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ForrestMs. Janice MillsMr. David Whitten
Mr. & Mrs. Bill FosterMr. and Mrs. William J. MillsMr. Steven Wiggs
Ms. Peggy FrancisMr. Stancil J. MizellMs. Henrietta Wildeboer
Dana FrazeurMrs. Alexandra ModafferiMr. and Mrs. Steven Williams
Ms. Carole FrazzittaMs. Sharon MoeckelB. Keith Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gary FreemanMs. Mary MolonyMr. and Mrs. Eddie Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence FriersonMr. and Mrs. Chris MomeierMr. and Mrs. Thomas Wills
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard FulghumMs. Sharon MoodyMr. and Mrs. Walter Winkler
Mr. and Mrs. David FultonMrs. Barbara D. MooreMr. D. Reid Wiseman
Mr. Andrew S. Furmanchik, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Stephen MooseMr. and Mrs. Henry Wolf
Ms. Mary GaetaMr. and Mrs. Jim MorrillMr. & Mrs. David Wolfensberger
David and Anne GallimoreMs. Kyra MorrisMr. and Mrs. Barry Wolff
Mr. Ernest W. Gamble, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. David MorrisetteMr. Arnold Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. George Gammon Jr.Mr. Richard MorseMr. and Mrs. S.W. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. John GarciaMr. Frank MottolaMrs. Meredith Yates
Mr. Hunter GeorgeMr. Robert MullallyMs. Bonnie Yon
Mrs. Ellen GexMr. and Mrs. Robert MurphyDebora Yost
James GilbertMr. Hugh MurphyMrs. Grace Young
Jean GilmerMs. Annette MurphyMr. and Mrs. David Yount
Mr. Oscar GilstrapMs. Alyssa L. NeelyMs. Sandra Zambetti – Kassebaum
Mr. & Mrs. Jean GinnMr. Claude R. NewtonMs. Louise Zimmerman
Ms. Suzanne GloreMs. Nora F. NormanMr. James Zubia
Mr. and Mrs. Steven GoldbergMr. and Mrs. Dwight Norris

We are grateful to following Community Partners who contributed $1000+ in 2021:

All Saints Lutheran ChurchJ. Henry Stuhr, Inc.Roper St. Francis Healthcare
Banks ConstructionJoan Coulter Pittman FundRotary Club of Daniel Island
Berkeley Electric CooperativeBeyond Distilling Company, LLCRotary Club of Mount Pleasant
Bihun Family FoundationKuznik Charitable FoundationRoyall Ace Hardware, Inc.
Brownell Charity FundLerato, LLCRoyall Family Fund
C & C MyersLevine FoundationGaia Fund
Carolina Custom ElectricLS3PSC State Ports Authority
Carolina Custom Security & Sound, Inc.Meals on Wheels Association of AmericaSherman Family Charitable Trust
Ceres Foundation, Inc.Michael J. Brickman Donor Advised FundSisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina
Charleston Area Men’s Interclub GolfPhilip L. Van Every FoundationSoutheaston Systems, LLC
Charleston County Community Block GrantWalmart Store #2928St. Benedict Catholic Church
Coastal Community Foundation of SCLee’s NurseryStarbucks Foundation Neighborhood Grants Fund
Dabo’s All in Team FoundationRobert and Joan Dircks Foundation, IncTD Charitable Foundation
Daniel Island Community FundIncreasing H.O.P.EHome Community Fund
David and Chrissy Williams FundIngevityThe Beachcombers
Dominion EnergyThe Daniel Island Company Employee Advised FundThe Exchange Club of Charleston
East Cooper Outboard Beneficent Group IncMt. Pleasant Presbyterian ChurchThe Good Neighbors Family Trust
Employees Community Fund of Boeing SCMt. Pleasant SertomaThe Hobbs Foundation
Equitable FoundationNetwork for GoodThe Ladies Benevolent Society of Charleston
Feed the NeedMoultrie High Class of 1971Thompson Trucking Co., Inc.
First United Methodist – Mens ClubPhillip Simmons HighTown Of Mount Pleasant
First United Methodist Church-Crafty LadiesPhysicians RealtyTrident United Way
Food Lion Charitable FoundationPinnacle Financial PartnersVerhagen Foundation
Ghost Monkey BreweryPost and Courier FoundationVolvo Car USA Operations Grants Committee
Grace Episcopal ChurchPublix Super Markets Charities, Inc.Whole Foods Market
Hidden Ponds Nursery & Garden CenterRegions Bank
Holy City HearingRG Darby Rental

We are grateful to following Community Partners who contributed $250 to $999 in 2021:

BlackbaudImport & Vintage Repairs, Inc.
Trans AmericanGerman Friendly Society Foundation
Oak Captial Management, LLCJEM Restaurant Group
Mr. John McGrath
Prospec Electronics of SC Inc.McGuire & Co., LLC
Wando High SchoolRagamuffin Children’s Boutique
North Rivers Dental Associates, Inc.Callies Hot Little Biscuits
Ms. Carrie Morey & Tarah Boyleston
Burtons Grill, LLCMs. Jennifer Neher
The Beach CompanyG&W Tanks, LLC
Kathy Eovino
East Cooper Women’s Club
Wando Power Equipment
Mr. Joe Fischbein
Glowfisch Hospitality
The Mark Reinhardt Family Fund
Hay TireStephen Schoenbaechler
The Stephen C. Schoenbaechler Charitable Foundation
The Hricik Family Giving FundCharnette Singleton
District 1 Order of the Eastern Star
Delicious Management Co.The GoodCoin Foundation
Carolina Park Development, LLCWalmart #8252
Kiersten Elizabeth Fine JewelryMs. Eve Wilbanks
Live Oak Reporting
Lowcountry Listening LabWyndham Law Firm